Dildo desk takeover

A couple days ago, I decided it was time. Time to clean ALL THE THINGS — err, actually organize my sex toys. They’ve been hanging out in plastic drawers, with no real order to them, for what seems like decades. So I pulled them out of their drawers, piled them on my desk, and started contemplating how to sort them.

I cleaned some dusty toys, put others into sandwich bags, labeled charging cords with masking tape, and listened to a mix called “Songs for Sorting Dildos” (it had a lot of Heart on it).

One disturbing thing I realized while staring at the bulk of my sex toy collection on my desk was that I hardly use most of these toys. I put my very favorites in the top drawers, then realized I was fairly indifferent about almost everything else.

There’s this whole mess of dildos that fall into some hazy “not awesome, but not bad” category, and I really need to make some decisions about them. I’ve kept them around because I tell myself “one day, I’ll have a hankering for that one.” But, it seems, that day never comes. Partly because I forget which toys I own, partly because I’m always testing new stuff or falling back on only the most awesome toys. Woe is me. Such a hard life.

I did, eventually, organize everything into some legitimate categories (there’s a vag balls/anal toys drawer, for instance), although I don’t know how much better it is than before. In any case, I will definitely be writing some posts about my plastic drawers and this organization method. Then you will know all my secrets.

EditHere are those posts:


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