It’s been a while since I sat down and scouted out new sex toys to review. Usually I grab items as they’re released, like the new We-Vibe Wish that just came in the mail. But as my list of “to review” items dwindles, I decided it would be a good idea to get more stuff — so I can start testing it all!
Thus far I’ve narrowed it down to 20 products. But half the fun of reviewing is fulfilling your desires, so I would like you to vote on your top choices here. Some of these are toys I already own, some I’d need to acquire, and at least one may be near-impossible to get, but like… RUMBLE SEAT, GUYS.
You can — and should — select multiple toys. Choose the ones that you most want to read about! Go vote!
Have an idea for me that’s not listed here? Leave it in the comments!