Have you been jonesing for a deep look into the female psyche? Then What Girls Like is the porno for you!
Seriously, it’s uncanny how much this film understands womankind. Case in point: the painting scene. I have learned much from this scene, like that paint fumes are an aphrodisiac. And that girls like getting ass-fucked by paintbrush handles while contorting their bodies into pretzel shapes.
To my surprise, I learned that girls HATE happiness. And subtlety.
To nobody’s surprise, girls like purple! A lot of it. In sopping wet toxic paint form.
Girls like humping canvases. Girls like making art.
Pretty good, pretty good! I find this to be an intriguing representation of female desire. I like the mood, and the unique texture the artist has achieved. Slightly animalistic. Of course, it’s no pussy doodles, but what is?
Someone help these women apply to be on Work of Art, stat. They’re certainly on par with the guy who made cement anuses.
Thanks again, porn. If not for you, I would never have a clue about teh ladiez.