It’s been snowing like mad out here, and my Christmas festivities have been delayed for a few days. Today was going to be just another day… until I checked my inbox and saw the best surprise ever: someone bought me the Fascinator Throw off my gift registry.
I was amazed. I posted my plea just last night, late last night, and hadn’t even tweeted about the entry. I figured it wouldn’t get much traffic anyway, as a lot of people are busy celebrating the holidays. And, needless to say, I doubted anyone was willing to fork over $85 just for me. But yet again, I am floored by the unwaveringly compassionate and giving spirit of sex bloggers.
I think this is a good time to mention several bloggers I’m especially fond of, for various reasons.
Outspoken Clitic is my miracle worker who bought me the Throw. I don’t know her very well, which makes her generosity toward me even more incredible. She’s just starting off in the sex blogging world, so I suggest you hop over to her blog and comment on some of her entries. She does have the njoy Eleven, after all.
Beautiful Dreamer is, quite simply, a total sweetheart. We correspond on a regular basis, and I always enjoy hearing from her. She’s the only person who consistently comments on my entries, and has done it since the very beginning. When she finally got her gift registry up and running, I bought her the Ella, and she bought me a couple of things off my list. She is very kind and seems to be immune to bouts of jealousy; I wish I could be more like her.
Backseat Boohoo and I share a deep affinity for Roxy Deville, so we enjoy gushing about her together. I forced her onto Google Talk so we could chat on there. Muahaha.
Sienna and I have a special bond because we conducted a top-secret operation together to preserve our anonymity. That is all I will ever say about it; my lips are sealed.
So thank you to everyone who has so graciously welcomed me to the sex blogging community, anyone who comments on my blog, and anyone who goes crazy enough to buy me anything off my wishlist. You guys are truly wonderful people, and I look forward to the years to come chatting/tweeting with and maybe even meeting you.