Ask Piph logo, with a sex toy forming the question mark.
What made you choose the pseudonym “Epiphora”? I put too much thought into it, but I’m glad I did. I wanted something literary, and I...
Ask Piph logo, with a sex toy forming the question mark.
Your boyfriend seems to be pretty comfortable with your reviewing. I’m curious about your choice to remain anonymous since you seem to be well received....
Ask Piph logo, with a sex toy forming the question mark.
How often do you masturbate? You have quite a collection of toys; do you end up using most of them? Generally, every other day. Sometimes...
Ask Piph logo, with a sex toy forming the question mark.
Since rabbits fit everyone so differently, I’m wondering if you could tell me how far your clit is from your vaginal opening? OKAY, WORLD, I...