Xtreme Pack G-spot bullet winner!

I received nearly 30 entries to my contest to win the Epiphora-approved Xtreme Pack G-spot bullet, making this contest my most successful to date! I attached a number to each entry and used the Random Integer Generator to pick a winner. And that winner is… Machina! She writes:

I’ve had my eye on this for so long now. I keep hearing such wonderful things about it, I just haven’t bought one yet because the economy is down & my finances are low . . . What do I like about it? It’s totally early 90s grade school chic. I had a rad Super Soaker with the exact same color scheme. I like how it doesn’t look extremely sexual too. This is because my friend’s 5 year old found one of my dildos a few months ago (thankfully it was a vibrating corn cob, and not my gigantic hairy Kong the Realistic dong!)  . . . Oh yeah, and I’ve never owned a bullet before.

But really, all of the entrants had such awesome reasons for wanting to get their hands on an Xtreme Pack. Betty Rocket pointed out, “It has ‘XTREME’  in the title. It’s so badass, it needs no ‘e'” (I always thought the spelling of Xtreme was lame, but that is so true!). Several people observed that it looks like a Nickelodeon toy; Beka mused, “If I use this thing, will it suddenly scream out ‘WATER!’ and douse me? Salute my lack-of-shorts?” And many others were impressed that I have not yet had to replace my Xtreme Pack, even though I’ve owned it since January of 2008. Definitely a plus!

Mina Meow summed up my love for the Xtreme Pack best when she wrote, “As a sex toy reviewer, I know you have some pretty awesome toys at your fingertips. The fact that you continually reach for this one say a LOT! Also, the fact that it’s still your favorite after more than a year says that it doesn’t just make you happy, it KEEPS you happy.”

Y’all are so right. And for that, I think all of you need to go buy this toy for yourselves. I wish I had 27 of them to give away, but alas.


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