PSA: Not everything I say is sexual

A keyboard spelling out "SEX." Because sex blogging = a rearranged keyboard, duh.

I know this may be hard to believe, but I am not a sex maniac. I do not have sex on the brain 24/7. And most importantly, I do not feel the need to sex-ify things that I say, or say things that are ~hot~, to appease others. For example, my tweets so far today:

  • It’s the first day I wake up and want to turn on the heater. Oh boy.
  • I watched the documentary Babies last night. Don’t tell my mom.
  • Q: Places to get stock images that can be used on a blog — ready, set, GO!
  • Can’t do much work with a kitty on me. It’s a hard life.

But oh, oh, I mentioned a cat! Therefore, it must be time, yet again, for someone to make a faux-clever pussy joke at me! I’m a sex blogger, so I’ll think it’s hilarious, right?!

Dude, no. My cats are not an opportunity for sexual innuendo; an opportunity for cuteness, yes, but not innuendo. I’m sitting here, minding my own business, doing nothing remotely sexual — you do not need to turn that into a joke about how you want pussy.

My blog and my Twitter account do not exist to titillate my readers — not at all. Even when I tweet/write about jacking off, I’m matter-of-fact about it. Take a hint from the way I approach sex writing and everyday tweeting, and be respectful. Don’t force innuendo that isn’t there. Thank you.


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