I’m a freak. The moment I heard that California Exotic Novelties launched a new website, I flew on over there....
Sex shop floors, once bustling with customers, have morphed into makeshift staging areas for packing online orders. The display dildos...
I HATE WRITING POSTS LIKE THIS, but you guys deserve to know before it’s too late. These beauties from Vixen...
“Our remarks were appropriate.” —Email to me from Don Wands I knew this Don Wands fiasco was not over when I...
EdenFantasys is a huge presence in the world of online sex shops. But ubiquity does not equal goodness, and behind...
Lora DiCarlo, the “sex tech” start-up that vowed to revolutionize the pleasure industry and pompously acted like the first to...
I suspected it was coming when I saw the Jollies toys disappearing from the stores. Everything becoming out of stock....
Why are sex games so bad? This is an eternal question I ask myself regularly. I have a whole label...
I mourned the death of sex toy company Jollies half a year ago, but it looks like we all might...
Some time has passed since the bulk of the hoopla with Don Wands/Glow Industries — remember the weekend of questionable...
Everyone knows regulation in the sex toy industry is practically nonexistent, right? We all accept that as fact. We have...
When I write a negative review of a toy, I don’t expect to ever hear from the company that produced...
I’m normally not big on politics, but this election year has been very exciting to follow. The debates, especially, have...
Topco has released a Sarah Palin sex doll. When I saw it, my first reaction was to laugh excitedly. Then...
Want a fantastical dildo in the shape of a unicorn horn or tentacle? This is your last chance. [Edit, years later:...
Tonight I came across a link to a Gizmodo post called “I Had Sex With Furniture: The Shameful (NSFW) Fleshlight...