You might stumble across the Lovehoney Mini Magic Wand while shopping for the legendary Mystic Wand and think to yourself, “oh! It’s 30%...
Time for a fact check. Illusion? No, I don’t think I was imagining that thing buzzing manically in my vagina....
When I saw this vibrator in its package for the first time, I gasped. It looked gargantuan. Huge. Dong-like. The...
I always wondered why nobody tried to really shrink the Hitachi Magic Wand. That thing is unwieldy as fuck —...
I used to hold to the unfounded belief that making any material vibrate would be an accomplishment. Trying the Don Wands...
I never thought of masturbation as “elegant,” nor have I ever described it as an “endeavor.” Perhaps if my experience with...
In this episode of True Life: I’m a Sex Toy Reviewer, I am in disbelief as I unbox this sex machine,...
The inventor of the first electrical vibrator, doctor Joseph Mortimer Granville, called his device “Granville’s Hammer” — and if that’s...
Look at me! I started a YouTube account for making videos of sex toys! This one is of the Gyrating...
I am one of many who grew up getting my orgasms from the bathtub faucet. Legs spread, back against the...
Me, masturbating: uh, don’t mind me, I’m just over here jamming this ugly-ass hairbrush-lookin’ thing against my vulva in a feeble...
When you arrive at the sex party and present the guests with your vibrating sex chair, you don’t exactly want...
Lovehoney sure likes to keep secrets from me. First it was the Sqweel, and now the ominously-named Rock Box, which I...