I mean, we all know that Dylan Ryan and Danny Wylde are hot. And that Tristan Taormino has an amazing...
Tristan Taormino
Tristan Taormino is a badass sex educator, author, and pornographer. She created the Chemistry porn series that kinda changed my life, and much more awesome porn.
It occurred to me, 30 minutes after my interview with Tristan Taormino for Sex Out Loud Radio aired today (and...
How often do you masturbate? You have quite a collection of toys; do you end up using most of them?...
Tomorrow marks the one-year anniversary of this here blog, so of course, I wanted to give out some presents! I...
It began in the airport, with my iced coffee in tow, and two war vets grumbling to each other about...
August 5th, 2010 Today I watched Justine Joli: Lost with Saraid, which I had been eagerly anticipating. Very quickly realized it...
October 1st, 2010 WHY WHY WHY WHY: WHY WHY WHY WHY. November 13th, 2010 I took a break from playing...
March 4th, 2010 You know what’s hard to watch? An hour and 16 minutes of nothing but cocksucking. But I...
I think my boyfriend has discovered the secret to giving me gifts: all sex toys! For my birthday, he got...
Um, can Tristan Taormino make one of these per year until I die? I dare say she’s found the gold...
In trying to articulate what makes much of Tristan Taormino’s porn so great, I’ve decided on this: she pushes her...
So we’ve already established that rough sex, when directed and shot by genius pornographer Tristan Taormino, is hot as fuck....
Tristan Taormino has upped the ante. After the greatness that was Rough Sex, she has created a sequel that is...
This may be the right time to admit that I don’t find Adrianna Nicole’s face terribly attractive. However, her body...
Reading The Big Book of Sex Toys, I learned that it’s hard to read a book about subject I already...
Wedged between my consumption of Fast Food Nation and We Need to Talk About Kevin, I inhaled The Feminist Porn Book. I...